Saturday, March 21, 2009


Yesterday was only my 2nd time away from Gabe. The first time was my baby shower, which was the last time he had a bottle. Last night I went to my cousins play. I had a ticket for awhile. I was away for five and half hours. My boobs hurt like hell and were huge by the time I got home. Anyways I am writing this blog because I am excited, Gabe can handle drinking from bottles no problem and then going right back to the breast. I have such a smart little boy. I was worried that this being away would back fire with him either refusing the bottle or not latching on again. But all is good.

1 comment:

  1. Just be careful about that, even if Gabe is going back and forth between breast and bottle just fine... That's how I got mastitis twice! Not getting that milk out can have painful consequences for you!
