Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2 Months

Gabriel was two months old on April 17th. He weighs 11 lbs 7 oz and is 22 1/2 in long. He is cooing at us a lot now. He also smiles and giggles. He is starting to hold his upper body up with his front arms and lifting his head up to look around. He is going to be mobile before we know it.

Here is a picture of a partial smile. It is not very good. I know it is blurry but it is the only one I have of him smiling so far. It was rainy that day and my house sucks for light.grrr

1 comment:

  1. He'll be crawling in 6 months! What a cute smile :)

    The picture is blurry; did you try bumping up your ISO so you could get the shutter speed fast enough? Sometimes when I'm in low light I use 1600 ISO. It makes the picture grainier, but if you get a good exposure then it will be less grainy.

    Anywho! Enough camera talk...

    Are we still on for pictures this Saturday?
