Thursday, May 7, 2009


I shot a few pictures in raw the other day. Not so good. Well my editor sucks it came with the camera and does not have very many options. No matter what I do my pictures look blurry.

My nephew Noah and what looks like here his scary face.


Gabriel holding his head up and on his arms.

1 comment:

  1. RAW is nice because you have more control fixing white balance and exposure issues, but it can't fix focus problems like blurry pictures or if the focus fell in the wrong place in your frame. The only thing that can fix that is practice! The biggest thing is if you are shooting wide open (aperture 1.8) you have to shoot IMMEDIATELY after you autofocus because if you or your subject moves -even the tiniest bit- it will change where the focus falls.

    Your best bet is to try using an aperture of like 3.5 and practice with that, then slowly open it up towards 1.8. I hardly ever shoot Noah with 1.8 because he's so wiggly. Maybe if he's sleeping!!
